Emergencies in Mental Health Practice:
Evaluation and Management

Edited by Phillip M. Kleespies

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480 pages; hard bound

Product Code: 67-31
Price $ 59.95 US
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What do you do when a patient becomes violent or has been the victim of violence? How do you act when a patient becomes suicidal? An indispensable guide for all mental health practitioners, this practical resource helps clinicians learn to evaluate and manage life-threatening behaviors and situations. The authors explore how to distinguish crises that are emergencies from those that are not; provide instruction in crisis intervention, focusing on the most frequent emergencies in the mental health setting; and examine biological factors that may be involved in a mental health emergency. Recognizing the stressful nature of dealing with emergencies, the book concludes with suggestions for managing the impact of these situations on the clinician.
"This book clearly and creatively lays out effective techniques for rapidly responding to a wide variety of real world crises. Empirically solid and clinically astute, this work is without peer as a guide to providing urgent care. When time is of the essence, every practitioner will want to have Kleespies' book within arm's reach."
-John Monahan, PhD, Doherty Professor of Law, University of Virginia
"This book provides an extraordinarily well-stocked workroom of tools necessary for today's clinician. It begins with an awareness of the appalling deficiency in graduate clinical training to ready mental health clinicians to deal with a wide and anxiety-provoking range of psychiatric crises. It succeeds admirably in providing the essential knowledge and competencies to make the clinician an effective interventionist. Moreover, it helps clinicians contain and manage both their affect and their exposure to malpractice risk should a patient threaten violence to self or others. With these tools clinicians can build structures capable of weathering any and all storms. This book is timely and strategic; it should be required reading for both the novice and experienced professional."
-Alan L. Berman, PhD, Executive Director, American Association of Suicidology

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