When Anger Hurts
Quieting the Storm Within

by Matthew McKay, Ph.D., Peter Rogers, Ph.D., and Judith McKay, R.N.

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325 pages; 6 X 9;
soft bound

Product Code: 75-21
Price $ 15.95 US
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The truth is out about anger. Overwhelming medical evidence shows that anger--whether expressed or held in--makes you sick. Angry people have higher death rates from nearly every cause. They are more isolated, less successful, and less satisfied. Their relationships are marked by conflict, withdrawal, and loss. The common sense belief that you have to get your anger out has been proven wrong. The more anger you express, the more anger you feel. Getting angry only makes it worse.   

When Anger Hurts is a complete, step-by-step guide to controlling chronic anger. It explains how stress and distorted trigger-thoughts link up to ignite angry feelings. When Anger Hurts offers a comprehensive program for changing habitual, anger generating thoughts while developing healthier, more effective ways of getting your needs met. Special chapters focus on stress reduction, stopping escalation, problem solving communication, anger and children, and spouse abuse.   

When Anger Hurts is an ideal adjunct for therapists who work with families, abuse, or teach anger control to individuals and groups. It is also helpful for cardiologists and other health professionals who treat the effects of Type A personality.   

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