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Addiction Intervention
Strategies to Motivate Treatment-Seeking Behavior
by editors Robert K. White, MA, CEAP and Deborah George Wright, MA

This resource will complement your current knowledge of the problems leading to and the consequenses of chemical dependency by using the tools of intervention - the words, the steps, and the strategies.

Full Description:   

Addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate Treatment-Seeking Behavior shows you how to use the tools of intervention--the words, the steps, and the strategies--to be a change agent in the lives of individuals with alcohol and drug addictions. It is full of effective strategies and case studies coming from widely respected specialists across several disciplines. You'll learn how you can get people to seek help for their chemical dependence, resolving the cause of their problems rather than temporarily fixing the symptoms or side effects of their addictions.

Whether you're an alcohol and drug educator, intervention trainer, physician, nurse, social worker, employer, lawyer, judge, or counselor, Addiction Intervention will help you find ways to confront chemically dependent people and motivate them to change their lives. You will find the tools of intervention easier to wield than you might otherwise think as you read about:

  • how physicians can assess symptoms using various diagnostic tools, initiate conversation with a patient, and overcome resistance to referral
  • how clinical therapists can develop response-specific intervention strategies that are appropriate to clients' behavior pathology
  • conducting effective performance-related workplace interventions
  • the development and design of impaired professional committees
  • alternative models for peer and administrative interventions
  • the methodologies of student assistance programs and teams
  • brief, structured therapy for the family of an addicted person
  • recent changes in the criminal justice system that have encouraged judges to refer individuals to treatment
  • the One-Stop Re-Employment Social Services Center

    Addiction Intervention brings within your reach results-oriented intervention. Don't continue to offer band-aid solutions or skirt around the real problem of addiction. This book will help you help people get their lives back on track permanently.

    155 pages; 6 X 9;soft bound

    About the Editors
    Chapter 1. Family Intervention: Background, Principles, and Other Strategies by Robert K. White, MA, CEAP
    The Disease Model
    Family Intervention
    Intervention Principles
    Alternative Strategies
    Chapter 2. Medical Strategy: Interventions by John Steinberg, MD
    Physician Intervention
    Obstacles to Treatment
    Defining the Disease
    Patient History and Signs of Addiction
    Intervention Models
    Chapter 3. Mental Health Strategy: Addiction Interventions for the Dually Diagnosed
    by David McDuff, MD and Todd Muneses, MD
    Clinical Practice Model: Stages of Change
    Interventions with Substance Abusers with Psychopathology
    Interventions with Chronically Mentally Ill Substance Abusers
    Summary and Conclusions
    Chapter 4. Employee Assistance Program Strategy by James O'Hair, MSW, CEAP
    Key Players in Workplace Intervention
    ModelI: Behaviors Checklists
    Model II: Talking with Troubled Employees
    Intervention Checklists
    Helpful Hints
    Role of EAP's in Family Intervention
    Chapter 5. Professional Assistance Committees by Penelope P. Zeigler, MD
    The Peer Intervention Concepts
    Chapter 6. Adolescent Intervention Strategies by James Crowley, MA
    Incremental Intervention
    Case Examples
    Chapter 7. Intervention as Brief Family Therapy by Stuart Tiegel, MSW, LCSW-C
    Selected Active-Oriented Intervention Model
    Structeal Systems Engagement (SSE) and Families
    Clinical Examples
    Discussion of Cases: Why Interventions Work
    Intergrative Model of Intervenion
    Chapter 8. Legal Strategy by Honorable Peggy F. Hora and Honorable William G. Schma
    Criminal System Changes
    Civil System Changes
    Why Coerced Treatment?
    What's a Judge ( or Other Court Professional) to Do?
    Treatment Court Elements
    Remaining Questions
    Chapter 9. Professional Intervention in the One-Stop Reemployment/Social Services Center
    by Deborah G. Wright, MA
    The Population
    Maintaining Confidentiality
    Intervening with Care
    After the Intervention
    Staff Development
    Appendix A. Selected Resources: Books
    Appendix B. Selected Resources: Videos
    Appendix C. Selected References: Organizations
    Reference Notes Include

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